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What to Do With Your Food When You Move: Don't Waste Food

September 19, 2022

What to Do With Your Food When You Move: Don't Waste Food

Moving from one place to the next is filled with many things to accomplish and plenty of things to worry about that you shouldn't get shocked to find that you've been unable to complete a vital task, whether because you didn't think about it, or simply did not have the time to do it.

Naturally, the most effective method to ensure that you don't overlook important things when you're leaving is to use the proper moving checklist, which is the most effective time management tool to help you from the first day of your preparations to the moment you arrive at your new house and perhaps several days after the move is completed.

Check the food items you currently own.

There's a simple fact: You have to figure out what you'll do with the food items before you leave to give yourself enough time to take action with them. This is the first issue you're faced with—you're not entirely sure what kind of food products you've left in your home.

This is the moment to take inventory of your food items. Check out all the places that you store food in your home: refrigerator, freezer, kitchen cabinets and pantry, basement, and so on. Take inventory of all the food items with an eraser and a notebook. To make the inventory of food quicker, you could snap quick snapshots of the places in which you keep your food and review them each step by step.

Sorting through your food items can be a lot amusing, or even it's a great way to distract yourself from the endless chore of packing your belongings to move, box after box after box...

  • Frozen food: meat, vegetables, ice cream, etc.
  • Foods in the refrigerator such as eggs, meat, seafood, milk, butter, cheese, juices, and more
  • Foods that are canned: soups, meat, vegetables, etc.
  • Boxed food items include cereals, chips, snacks, rice, beans, lentils, etc.
  • Bottled food items such as cooking oils, olive oil dressings, etc.
  • Cooking supplies: flour, sugar, spices, etc.

In the course of inventorying the food items within your home prior to leaving, make a note of the quantity of each kind of food item. Also, the move of only one olive oil bottle is acceptable; however, bringing five bottles of the stuff to your new residence is not.

Get rid of food items that have gone bad.

Time flies by, and before you realize it, there's a chance that you'll find a lot of food items over their expiration dates. If you encounter a food item that's expired, store it in an additional cardboard box for the sole purpose of getting rid of it in a proper manner.

Don't eat any food item past the expiration date, even if it is just for the duration of a couple of days. The risk isn't worth it. Always bear in your mind that your health, as well as the health of family members around you, is your top priority.

Create a plan for using the food you have stored in your pantry.

What will you do with the food you have stored after you have moved house?

You've already trashed the food items that no one should be eating anyway, but most likely, it's been some forgotten items. It's time to devise the best strategy to use the majority or all the food items that there are in the house right now. The goal naturally is to minimize food waste during the process of moving and save some cash while doing it.

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